Breuddwyd Macsen Wledig

Breuddwyd Macsen Wledig

("Magnus Maximus’ Dream”)

Macsen Wledig was the Roman Emperor and was known as the most excellent of all Roman emperors.

While resting during a day of hunting one day, Macsen Wledig fell asleep and dreamt that he was travelling over the highest mountain in the world, to a level terrain between the sea and the mountain. There, was a splendid fort and in the fort, was the most beautiful woman anyone had ever seen. Macsen Wledig fell in love with the woman he saw in his dream and slept throughout the week, to dream about the woman, but he had no idea where in the world she lived. So, he sent thirty messengers on a three year journey around the empire to look for her.

Messengers found the woman in Wales, in the Segontium fort in Caernarfon, but she refused to travel to Rome with the messengers. Instead, she insisted that Macsen Wledig should travel from Rome to meet her. And so it was.

Macsen Wledig learned that the woman’s name was Elen Lhuyddog. Macsen spent seven years in Britain and because of this, he was replaced in Rome by a new Emperor.

Therefore, Macsen travelled back to Rome and conquered the lands between Britain and Rome, but he couldn’t conquer Rome until Elen’s brothers, Cynan and Gadeon and their armies, came to support them. Cynan and Gadeon’s armies were stronger and more skilled than Macsen’s armies and they succeeded to conquer Rome and Macsen Wledig became Roman emperor once more.

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