Environmental Policy

The Black Boy Inn is committed to the implementation of proactive measures to help protect and sustain the local, national and global environment for future generations. The Directors recognise the impact of its operations on the environment and aim by increasing their understanding in respect of these activities to minimise any detrimental effects that may occur. By working together we can create a safe and clean environment and ensure that environmental issues are kept at the forefront of everyone’s mind and given proper attention at all times.

Our aim is to:

  • Fully comply with the law, current legislation and regulations and to take a proactive approach to future legal requirements or obligations.
  • Ensure that everybody within the company has a duty of care for the environment, its habitats and biodiversity.
  • Encourage our employees to work in an environmentally responsible manner.
  • Seek to conserve natural resources by ensuring the responsible use of energy, water and materials yet still provide the quality of service expected by our guests.
  • Measure performance and set objectives that will be regularly revisited with the aim of continual improvement by reducing, reusing, or recycling in areas such as Water consumption, Waste materials produced and Energy consumption
  • Gain support from our customers and ensure that they are made aware of our environmental policy.
  • Source products that have a minimal environmental impact. These include items such as packaging, recyclable products, local sourcing of services and products and energy-efficient electrical equipment.
  • Work with our suppliers and contractors to ensure that they are made aware of our policy and that they have compatible policies for managing their impact on the environment.
  • Regularly conduct reviews to ensure the hotel operations remain compliant with this policy and to set or revise targets to ensure continual improvement for the future.
  • Provide all of our employees with the information, instructions and training necessary to fulfil this policy.

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